
The schema generated for a MySQL database when using the built-in models.


When using MySQL the timezone is set to Z (aka Zulu time / UTC / GMT) in the adapter and all timestamps on all models are stored in UTC.

MongoDB does not use schemas in the same way as most RDBMS databases, but the objects stored in MongoDB use similar datatypes to SQL, with some differences:

  • ID fields are of type ObjectID rather than int
  • By convention all collection names and object properties are camelCase rather than snake_case
  • A sparse index is used on the User email property to allow it to not be specified, while enforcing uniqueness if it is - this ensures it is functionally equivalent to the ANSI SQL behaviour for a unique but nullable property
  • All timestamps are stored as ISODate() in MongoDB, all timestamps on all models are stored in UTC (aka Zulu time)